Calendario de eventos Premier:

** No somos responsables por este evento.

lunes, 29 de diciembre de 2008

Upper Deck Wins Major Victory in Support of Worldwide Yu-Gi-Oh! Players

Upper Deck Wins Major Victory in Support of Worldwide Yu-Gi-Oh! Players

U.S. and International courts side with Upper Deck in multiple legal actions involving Konami and the future of Yu-Gi-Oh! Trading Card Games.

North Las Vegas, NV (December 27, 2008) – A California court has denied Konami's application for a temporary selling and shipping ban, effectively stopping any restrictions that would have prevented Upper Deck from marketing, selling, distributing and providing game support for the Yu-Gi-Oh! trading card game.

The Dutch courts also ruled in favor of Upper Deck, overruling Konami's alleged termination of its contract with Upper Deck. Accordingly, Upper Deck will continue its role as the exclusive distributor of the Yu-Gi-Oh! trading card game in all European territories, plus Australia and New Zealand. The complete release announcing this decision can be found at

Both victories clear the way for Upper Deck to continue distributing, marketing and selling Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG products in territories outside of Asia. "Upper Deck is very pleased with today's rulings", said Upper Deck executive Bernd Becker. "We look forward to continuing the superior game support that we've been delivering to worldwide Yu-Gi-Oh! players for the last seven years."

The unparalleled game support Upper Deck has provided to dedicated Yu-Gi-Oh! players around the world has led to another successful year for the trading card game, as evidenced by the current product sell-out. "This is as much a victory for the Yu-Gi-Oh! players as it is for Upper Deck," said Becker.

About Upper Deck

Upper Deck is a premier sports and entertainment publishing company which delivers a portfolio of relevant, innovative and multi-dimensional product experiences to collectors, sports and entertainment enthusiasts. For more information on Upper Deck and its products please visit .

Otto Beutelspacher H.
Player Management: Level 1  
Rules Knowledge - Yu-gi-oh!: Level 3  
Tournament Organizer: Level 1  

sábado, 27 de diciembre de 2008

December 24th, 2008 Upper Deck International BV wins injunction against Konami

Upper Deck International BV wins injunction against Konami

December 24th, 2008 - Netherlands - The Dutch Court has decided in favour of Upper Deck Panoceanic CV and Upper Deck International BV.

The termination of the contract between Konami and Upper Deck is unfounded and has been overruled by the Dutch Court. As of immediately, Konami needs to put all in place to respect all aspects of the contract. This means that with immediate effect, Upper Deck International BV has been and will be the exclusive distributor of The Yu-Gi-Oh! Trading Card Game moving forward for all European territories.

Mr Nico Blauw, CEO of Upper Deck International BV is pleased with the outcome of the Court. 'In these hectic economic times, this is a great Christmas present for our employees, our customers and the player base'.

Otto Beutelspacher H.
Player Management: Level 1  
Rules Knowledge - Yu-gi-oh!: Level 3  
Tournament Organizer: Level 1  

viernes, 19 de diciembre de 2008

cambio de sede para el Regional del D.F.

Por causas ajenas nos vemos en la necesidad de cambiar de sede el Regional de mañana en DF, el lugar esta a pocas cuadras de la sede previa, los esperamos a la hora anunciada en:

Uruguay #17, Col. Centro
en la Plaza de la Computación en el área de Capacitación.

Es por el Metro "San Juan de Letran"

De antemano nos disculpamos por este inconveniente, tendremos personal en la sede previa avisando de este cambio, saludos.

"Dragon's Duel"
Foro Oficial de Eventos Premier en México

Sitio de respaldo cuando falle el foro principal

- Ayudanos a fomentar el juego y reenvia este mail a mas personas, asi como invitamos a los que no reciben estos mails de forma directa a enviar un mail a solicitando recibir estos mails.

jueves, 18 de diciembre de 2008

Torneo Regional en D.F. 20/Dic/08

Torneo Regional, Value-C: 30+

Sabado, 20 de Diciembre del 2008.

[Lugar] "Cambio de sede"
"Plaza de la Computación" en el area de capacitación
Uruguay #17  por el metro "San Juan de Letran"
Col. Centro, D.F.

Constructed Deck, cada jugador debe llevar su deck conforme reglamento y acorde con la lista vigente de restricciones.

Me voy a mi torneo Regional...

Formato de Registro...

Las inscripciones serán de 11:00 a 11:45 hrs, para comenzar el torneo a las 12:00 hrs.

Estilo de pareo suizo con corte al Top 8. El número de rondas se determinara por el numero de jugadores.

$ 150.00 pesos M.N. por persona.

[Tabla de Premios]
Top-4 Pases al Torneo Nacional
Se anunciará en el evento.

(Los sobres serán de las ultimas 2 expansiones, playmat y playeras, el Top-4 obtendra tambien una carta promo "Rosa, Guerrera de la venganza")

Otto Beutelspacher H.
Player Management: Level 1  
Rules Knowledge - Yu-gi-oh!: Level 3  
Tournament Organizer: Level 1  

miércoles, 17 de diciembre de 2008

Organized Play Update

Organized Play Update

Dear Upper Deck players;

Upper Deck reiterates its commitment to the Yu-Gi-Oh! Duelists, event organizers, and retailers. Upper Deck intends to continue supporting Organized Play (OP) programs and all organizers who wish to run events. This includes Hobby Leagues, Sneak Previews, Regional Qualifiers, and all Championship tournaments.

As part of our continued support for OP, Duelist ratings will be updated on Upper Deck's Yu-Gi-Oh! website, as usual. Also, event organizers will still be able to use MANTIS®, Upper Deck's proprietary software, to run their Yu-Gi-Oh! tournaments. Please visit for the latest information about Upper Deck's sanctioned Yu-Gi-Oh! Organized Play events.

Thank you to everyone who took part in Upper Deck's Yu-Gi-Oh! TRADING CARD GAME Regional Qualifiers this past weekend. Upper Deck knows the vital role that Duelists play in helping to create the fantastic gaming environment that keeps the Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG growing. We are unwavering in our commitment to you – the players, organizers, and retailers – and will do everything within our power to maintain the same high level of Organized Play during this uncertain time.

As a company, Upper Deck is committed to providing exceptional OP events for players of all ages and skill levels. 2009 will be a very exciting year, as we continue to grow our existing OP programs, introduce new formats, and roll out programs for our new games, such as the Dinosaur King TCG and the Huntik: Secrets & Seekers TCG. Upper Deck is also proud to offer a new, in-depth "Road to Worlds" OP program for the World of Warcraft TCG and Miniatures Game, which will culminate in the 2009 World Championship, featuring $250,000 in cash and prizes.

Without a doubt, 2009 will be a great year for Upper Deck players! To find out more about the OP opportunities for all of our great games, please visit

Here's to happy gaming in the New Year!

– The Upper Deck OP Team

If you wish to opt out of future Upper Deck Entertainment mailings, please click here and change your mailing preferences.

Otto Beutelspacher H.
Player Management: Level 1  
Rules Knowledge - Yu-gi-oh!: Level 3  
Tournament Organizer: Level 1  

Segundo mensaje de UD International

Upper Deck files injunction against Konami

Upper Deck Panoceanic C.V. and Upper Deck International B.V. (hereinafter called: "Upper Deck") wish to broadcast the following statement.

Upper Deck files injunction against Konami. Upper Deck was given no other choice since Konami unlawfully terminated the exclusive distribution agreement for the Yu-Gi-Oh! Trading Card Game.

"We need to protect our company's interest but more importantly, we need to stand up for the Yu-Gi-Oh! brand, our customers and our players. Konami's unfounded decision caught us all by surprise and their statement has seriously damaged the Yu-Gi-Oh! brand and Upper Deck's excellent reputation in the marketplace. We worry for Yu-Gi-Oh!'s future as Konami has never really contributed anything to the brand", according to an Upper Deck representative.

This injunction is planned for December 22nd in The Netherlands.

Otto Beutelspacher H.
Player Management: Level 1  
Rules Knowledge - Yu-gi-oh!: Level 3  
Tournament Organizer: Level 1  

martes, 16 de diciembre de 2008

Comunicado del OP Manager de Latinamerica

El motivo de estas líneas es compartir con ustedes la situación en relación a Juego Organizado. Como saben en días pasados publiqué los planes para 2009. Estos planes siguen adelante, los organizadores en varios países, junto conmigo, seguimos trabajando arduamente para que el año que entra sea un año lleno de actividades, y con un giro importante para incrementar nuestras comunidades.

Les invito a no caer en rumores, y a esperar siempre los comunicados oficiales, por mi parte yo estaré publicando en este foro, los avances respecto a nuestros planes del próximo año.
Les reitero nuestro compromiso para hacer de nuestras comunidades de jugadores, una de las más grandes e importantes del orbe.
Les envío un afectuoso saludo.

Gerardo de la Vega 
OP Manager
Upper Deck

Otto Beutelspacher H.
Player Management: Level 1  
Rules Knowledge - Yu-gi-oh!: Level 3  
Tournament Organizer: Level 1  

Primer Comunicado de UpperDeck

Upper Deck Panoceanic C.V. Y Upper Deck International B.V. (De aquí en adelante llamadas: "Upper Deck")  desean transmitir el siguiente comunicado de prensa.

Recientemente muchos medios de comunicación han reportado que 
Konami Digital Entertainment B.V. y/o Konami Marketing Inc. y/o Konami Digital Entertainment Inc. y/o sus afiliados alrededor del mundo. (de aquí en adelante llamadas: "Konami") están tomando el control todos los aspectos operativos y de negocio de Yu-Gi-Oh!TM TRADING CARD GAME 
con efecto inmediato, basado en el presunto término de los acuerdos de distribución con Upper Deck. De acuerdo con este reporte Konami también tomaría el control de la distribución, así como el soporte a los clientes en relación a Yu-Gi-Oh! TRADING CARD GAME

Upper Deck desea señalar con un profundo énfasis que los reportes antes mencionados son falsos, no hay ningún fundamento legal o justificación para el esta terminación por Konami, por lo tanto esta terminación es indebida.

En relación al negocio de Yu-Gi-Oh! TM TRADING CARD GAME Upper Deck 
es todavía el único y exclusivo distribuidor, y continuará proveyendo los productos de Yu-Gi-Oh!TM TRADING CARD GAME  a todos sus clientes actuales. Upper Deck ha mandado ya una carta de advertencia a Konami, demandando que Konami cese la difusión de este errónea e ilícita información, y se le pide que rectifique de inmediato.
Si Konami voluntariamente no cumple con lo aquí señalado, Upper Deck tomará todas las acciones legales necesarias de forma inmediata.

Basados en el precedente, Upper Deck continuara manejado su negocio con todos sus contrapartes de manera usual.

Saludos respetuosos 
A nombre de Upper Deck

Eric Burzle 
Upper Deck Panoceanic BV

Nico Blauw
Director General
Upper Deck International BV

Otto Beutelspacher H.
Player Management: Level 1  
Rules Knowledge - Yu-gi-oh!: Level 3  
Tournament Organizer: Level 1  

lunes, 15 de diciembre de 2008

Open Letter to Yu�Gi�Oh! TRADING CARD GAME Duelists

December 15, 2008  
Open Letter to Yu�Gi�Oh! TRADING CARD GAME Duelists  

Dear Duelists, 
This is truly a thrilling time for the Yu�Gi�Oh! TRADING CARD GAME.  With the recent news regarding our decision to bring the Yu�Gi�Oh! TCG in�house to Konami Digital Entertainment, Inc., many of you are anxious to find out what is next for the brand.  We are extremely excited to be the one who will now market and distribute the Yu�Gi�Oh! TCG as Konami has always been the worldwide creative and manufacturing force behind the brand.  The intention of this letter is to let you know where we are headed next. 
With the state of the economy today, this is a time of great change within the gaming industry and in the world.  By handling all aspects involved with the Yu�Gi�Oh! TRADING CARD GAME, Konami expects to provide the highest level of customer and retail support. We also look forward to taking advantage of the existing synergies between our well�developed gaming platforms to introduce exciting new Yu�Gi�Oh! TCG products and tournament opportunities.  Duelists, organized play, and the property mean a tremendous amount to us.  We are committed to the Yu�Gi�Oh! TCG, after all, we are celebrating the 10th anniversary of the brand! 
So where do we go next?  We are currently evaluating all aspects of the Yu�Gi�Oh! TRADING CARD GAME � Organized Play (OP), SHONEN JUMP Championships, Sneak Previews, hobby store participation,  and player rankings, to name but a few.  As you can imagine, there are a lot of critical decisions to be made quickly as we look to the future.  We are currently in a transitional period.  Once complete, we will announce a series of new organized play events for the Yu�Gi�Oh! TCG.  Meanwhile, Konami encourages all of you to join forces and keep Dueling to maintain the spirit and friendship within the Yu�Gi�Oh! TCG community. 
Konami is enthusiastically counting down the days until the new OP and other Yu�Gi�Oh! TRADING CARD GAME�related activities resume in the New Year. 
Everyone at Konami Digital Entertainment, Inc. would like to extend our deepest appreciation to all of you in the gaming community who have actively and passionately supportd the Yu�Gi�Oh! TRADING CARD GAME over the years and we look forward to your ongoing involvement. 
Yumi Hoashi  
Vice President, Card Business  
Konami Digital Entertainment, Inc.

Otto Beutelspacher H.
Player Management: Level 1  
Rules Knowledge - Yu-gi-oh!: Level 3  
Tournament Organizer: Level 1  

viernes, 12 de diciembre de 2008

Por confirmar!!! Konami desplaza a UDE con Yugi

En los foros de UDE se corre la voz que ya hay noticias de que Konami toma el contol de todo lo que concierne al TCG de Yugi:

Y esto es lo que encontramos por ahora:



Konami Digital Entertainment, Inc. to Take Control of the Yu-Gi-Oh! TRADING CARD GAME™
Dec 11th 2008
Company Will Support All Aspects of Distribution, Gameplay, Customer Service and Marketing

El Segundo, CA – (Dec. 11, 2008) – Konami Digital Entertainment, Inc. (KDE) today announced that the company is taking over all operational and business aspects of the worldwide phenomenon, Yu-Gi-Oh! TRADING CARD GAME™, effective immediately. KDE will take over distribution and customer support for the Yu-Gi-Oh! TRADING CARD GAME™ from Upper Deck Entertainment (Carlsbad), KDE's former exclusive distributor of the trading card game. The Yu-Gi-Oh! TRADING CARD GAME first took the Asian market by storm in 1996 and became a global sensation in 2002 as it reached the shores of North America, quickly followed by Europe and other territories. Today, the Yu-Gi-Oh! TRADING CARD GAME continues to reach new milestones as the game evolves.

"Konami Digital Entertainment, Inc. is very pleased that the Yu-Gi-Oh! TRADING CARD GAME continues to be the number one TCG in the world. We are fully committed to maintaining a very high level of game support, from sales to organized play, and to providing a seamless transition during this process," commented Kazumi Kitaue, Chairman and CEO of Konami Digital Entertainment, Inc. "We look forward to having distribution of the Yu-Gi-Oh! TRADING CARD GAME within our corporate umbrella as it allows us to take advantage of the synergies from our existing gaming platforms to ensure continued great products for the Duelists and for our retail and distribution partners."

For distributors and retailers wanting to set up accounts with KDE, please contact customer support at 310-220-8630 or

About The Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG
The Yu-Gi-Oh! TRADING CARD GAME is the #1 trading card game in the world with over 18 billion cards sold. It is a game of strategy, where players create individual decks of cards collected from Structure Decks and Booster Packs. Two players engage in a duel while using cards that represent powerful Monsters, magical Spells and surprising Traps. Duelists with well-constructed decks, dominating monsters, solid strategy and good fortune are the victors in the Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG. Konami Digital Entertainment, Inc. is the exclusive licensee and rights holder to the Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG in North America and various countries in South and Central America and Europe.

About Konami
Konami is a leading developer, publisher and manufacturer of electronic entertainment properties and traditional trading card games. Konami's software titles include the popular franchises Metal Gear Solid®, Silent Hill®, Dance Dance Revolution® and Castlevania®, among other top sellers. Konami is also the manufacturer of the wildly popular Yu-Gi-Oh! TRADING CARD GAME, which has sold more than 18 billion cards worldwide. The latest information about Konami can be found on the Web at Konami Corporation is a publicly traded company based in Tokyo, Japan with subsidiaries Konami Digital Entertainment Co., Ltd. in Tokyo, Japan, Konami Digital Entertainment, Inc. in the United States and Konami Digital Entertainment GmbH in Frankfurt, Germany. Konami Corporation is traded in the United States on the New York Stock Exchange under the ticker symbol KNM. Details of the products published by Konami can be found at



Upper Deck Company v. Konami Marketing, Inc. et al
(What's this?) What is the EasyEdit button? This website gets better when people like you add to it. Just click the EasyEdit button to start. (help)
Last update: No updates (content history | content tools) (help)
Keyword tags: None
Plaintiff: Upper Deck Company
Defendant: Konami Marketing, Inc. and Konami Digital Entertainment, Inc.

Case Number: 2:2008cv01737
Filed: December 10, 2008

Court: Nevada District Court
Office: Contract: Other Office [ Court Info ]
County: Clark
Presiding Judge: Judge Robert C. Jones
Referring Judge: Magistrate Judge George W Foley Jr.

Nature of Suit: Contract - Other Contract
Cause: Diversity
Jurisdiction: Diversity
Jury Demanded By: 28:1332 Diversity-Breach of Contract
Amount Demanded: $75,001,000.00

Y esta en mas sitios:

Y foros importantes o reconocidos de Yugi:

Esto salio apenas en la madrugada asi que queda esperar que anuncia UDE oficialmente antes de que comencemos con el panico...


El cual tiene el primer mensaje que esta iniciando el tema en la pagina designada por Konami para USA:

Porque en la misma que mas checamos no esta:


Otto Beutelspacher H.
Player Management: Level 1  
Rules Knowledge - Yu-gi-oh!: Level 3  
Tournament Organizer: Level 1  

jueves, 11 de diciembre de 2008

Nuevos cambios en el Juego Organizado

Estimados Todos:

Como he leído su interés en conocer los planes del próximo año les doy un adelanto de lo que correremos en varios países de Latinoamerica en 2009.

Local Qualifiers
Eventos oficiales hasta para 25 jugadores, donde se otorgará un pase al Nacional.
Regional Qualifieres Eventos hasta para 50 jugadores, que otorgarán 8 pases al nacional.
Nacionales Dependiendo del país son los lugares asignados por UDI para asistir al Intercontinental
Intercontinental Este año será en Santiago de Chile. Todos los países tienen que ir a jugar a este país para asisitir al mundial que será en Lille, Francia.

En los días próximos publicaremos fechas, sedes, organizers y premios para todos estos eventos. Los invito a que vayan preparando sus mejores cartas. Ya que estamos trabajando arduamente para que los eventos oficiales sean más accesibles y en mayor número para nuestras comunidades latinoamericanas.

Esten pendientes de este foro donde estaremos publicando más información al respecto.

Un saludo a todos.

Gerardo de la Vega
OP Manager Latinoamerica
Upper Deck Internacional

Asi mismo Ives Rountre sigue siendo PTO y se a nombrado tambien a Moises Rubio como PTO, en su momento estaran anunciando eventos y debido a los cambios ya no recibiran mas mails de Regionales/Sneaks como antes debido a que precisamente hay cambios, en cuanto a noticias de reglas y cartas seguiremos enviando información asi como de eventos en DF.


"Dragon's Duel"
Foro Oficial de Eventos Premier en México

Sitio de respaldo cuando falle el foro principal

- Ayudanos a fomentar el juego y reenvia este mail a mas personas, asi como invitamos a los que no reciben estos mails de forma directa a enviar un mail a solicitando recibir estos mails.

sábado, 6 de diciembre de 2008

Dec. 5, 2008 - Basic Gameplay FAQ Update - Field Spell Cards

The Basic Gameplay FAQ on the Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG website has been updated to include a section explaining Field Spell Cards.
You can read the entry here:

The entry added to the FAQ:

Field Spell Cards 12/05/2008
Field Spell Cards are a kind of Spell Card that can only be placed into the Field Spell Card Zone. There can only be 1 face-up Field Spell Card on the field at any time between both players. When you activate or Set a Field Spell Card, you place it into your Field Spell Card Zone. You cannot Set a Field Spell Card in your Spell and Trap Card Zone.

If you have a Field Spell Card in your Field Spell Card Zone, you can still activate or Set a new Field Spell Card from your hand. When you do, the old Field Spell Card is immediately destroyed and placed into the Graveyard. If your opponent negates the activation of your new Field Spell Card or destroys it before it can resolve, the old Field Spell Card is still destroyed.

Example 1:
Player A has "Umi" face-up in his Field Spell Card Zone. If he activates "Zombie World" from his hand, "Umi" is immediately destroyed and placed into his Graveyard, and "Zombie World" is placed face-up in his Field Spell Card Zone.

Example 2:
Player A has "Rising Air Current" face-up in her Field Spell Card Zone. She activates "Sanctuary in the Sky", destroying "Rising Air Current" and placing it into her Graveyard. Player B chains "Magic Jammer". When "Magic Jammer" resolves, "Sanctuary in the Sky" is negated and destroyed. "Rising Air Current" remains in the Graveyard.

If you have a Field Spell Card face-up in your Field Spell Card Zone and your opponent Sets a Field Spell Card, your Field Spell Card is not destroyed. If your opponent activates their Field Spell Card, your Field Spell Card is not immediately destroyed. If you negate the activation of your opponent's Field Spell Card or destroy it before it resolves, your Field Spell Card will remain on the field.

Example 1:
Player A has "Necrovalley" face-up in his Field Spell Card Zone. Player B, activates "Wasteland". Player A chains "Cursed Seal of the Forbidden Spell". When the Chain resolves, "Cursed Seal of the Forbidden Spell" negates and destroys "Wasteland". Player A's "Necrovalley" remains face-up in her Field Spell Card Zone.

Example 2:
Player A has "Rising Air Current" face-up in his Field Spell Card Zone. Player B activates "Mystic Plasma Zone". Player A chains "Mystical Space Typhoon" and targets "Mystic Plasma Zone". When the Chain resolves, "Mystical Space Typhoon" destroys "Mystic Plasma Zone". Player A's "Rising Air Current" remains face-up in his Field Spell Card Zone.

Curtis Schultz
UDE Netrep

"Dragon's Duel"
Foro Oficial de Eventos Premier en México

Sitio de respaldo cuando falle el foro principal

- Ayudanos a fomentar el juego y reenvia este mail a mas personas, asi como invitamos a los que no reciben estos mails de forma directa a enviar un mail a solicitando recibir estos mails.

martes, 2 de diciembre de 2008

December 02, 2008: CSOC Rules Updates


The following rulings will be added to the FAQ sometime in the near future.

Elemental Hero Divine Neos

Removing 1 "Neos", "Neo-Spacian", "Elemental Hero", "Destiny Hero", or
"Evil Hero" monster in your Graveyard from play is a cost.

You can remove from play a Normal Monster "Neos" or "Elemental Hero"
monster to activate the effect of "Elemental Hero Divine Neos". In
this case "Elemental Hero Divine Neos" will not gain any effects.

If you use "Elemental Hero Neos" as a Fusion Material Monster, it can
be used as a "Neos" monster or an "Elemental Hero" monster, but it
cannot be used as both at the same time. If you use it as a "Neos"
monster, you will still need another "Elemental Hero", "Destiny Hero"
or "Evil Hero" monster.

"Neo-Spacian" monsters cannot be used as "Neos" Fusion Material Monsters.

If you remove "Evil Hero Dark Gaia" to activate the effect of
"Elemental Hero Divine Neos", the original ATK of "Elemental Hero
Divine Neos'" does not change.

If you return "Elemental Hero Divine Neos" to your Extra Deck by using
"Contact Out", you cannot Special Summon the Fusion Material Monsters
used to Fusion Summon it because the Fusion Material Monsters listed
on "Elemental Hero Divine Neos" are not specificly named cards.

Goka, the Pyre of Malice

"Goka, the Pyre of Malice's" first effect targets 1 FIRE monster you control.

Tributing 1 FIRE monster is a cost to activate "Goka, the Pyre of
Malice's" third effect.

If you do not have an open Monster Card Zone during your Standby
Phase, "Goka, the Pyre of Malice's" second effect still activates, but
its effect disappears when it resolves.

Mosaic Manticore

"Mosaic Manticor's" effects a Trigger Effect that activates during the
Standby Phase of your next turn.

"Mosaic Manticore's" effect does not target.

The effects of the monsters Special Summoned by "Mosaic Manticore" are
only negated if they activate on the field or are applied while the
monster is on the field. If a monster Special Summoned by "Mosaic
Manticore" has an effect that activates while it is in the Graveyard
or when it is sent to the Graveyard , the effect will not be negated.
If "Mosaic Manticore" is removed from the field before your next
Standby Phase after Tribute Summoning it, the monsters you Tributed
are not Special Summoned.

If you Tribute 2 monsters to Tribute Summon "Mosaic Manticore" and 1
of the monsters is removed from the Graveyard, during your next
Standby Phase you will Special Summon the monster that is still in
your Graveyard.

If you only have 1 open Monster Card Zone during your next Standby
Phase after Tribute Summoning "Mosaic Manticore", when "Mosaic
Manticore's" effect resolves, choose 1 of the 2 Tributed monsters and
Special Summon it.

If 1 of the 2 monsters Tributed to Tribute Summon "Mosaic Manticore"
cannot be Special Summoned from the Graveyard, when "Mosaic
Manticore's" effect resolves in your next Standby Phase, Special
Summon the monster that can be Special Summoned.

If you Tribute monsters to Set "Mosaic Manticore", "Mosaic
Manticore's" effect can be activated if it is flipped face-up before
your next Standby Phase.

If your "Mosaic Manticore" is flipped face-down after being Tributed
Summoned and is flipped face-up before your next Standby Phase, its
effect can be activated during your next Standby Phase.

If your opponent takes control of your "Mosaic Manticore" after you
Tribute Summon it and retains control of it during your next Standby
Phase, "Mosaic Manticore's" effect does not activate. If control of
"Mosaic Manticore" is returned to your before your next Standby Phase,
its effect activates during your next Standby Phase.

If you Tribute your opponent's monster, it will be Special Summoned
onto your side of the field when "Mosaic Manticore's" effect resolves.

If a monster Tributed to Tribute Summon "Mosaic Manticore" is removed
from the Graveyard and is later returned to your Graveyard, the
monster is not Special Summoned by "Mosaic Manticore's" effect.

Even if "Mosaic Manticore" is removed from the field, the monsters
Special Summoned by its effect still cannot attack and their effects
are still negated.

If a monster Special Summoned by the effect of "Mosaic Manticore" is
flipped face-down, after it is flipped face-up it can attack and its
effects are not negated.

If "Skill Drain" is activated after the monsters Tributed to Tribute
Summon "Mosaic Manticore" are Special Summoned by its effect, the
monsters still cannot attack and their effects are negated.

If you Special Summon "Exiled Force" with "Mosaic Manticore's" effect,
you can activate the effect of "Exiled Force", but its effect is

Neos Wiseman

If the monster "Neos Wiseman" battles is destroyed, the damage
inflicted by "Neos Wiseman's" effect is equal to the original ATK of
the destroyed monster and the Life Points gained are equal to its
original DEF. If the monster remains on the field, the damage
inflicted is equal to the current ATK of the monster and the Life
Points gained are equal to its current DEF.

If the monster "Neos Wiseman" battles is returned to its owner's Deck
or hand, or it is flipped face-down, before the end of the Damage
Step, "Neos Wiseman's" effect disappears.

Puppet Master

Paying 2000 Life Points is a cost.

You cannot activate "Puppet Master's" effect if you don't have 2 or
more Fiend-Type monsters in your Graveyard that you can Special

If "Skill Drain" is activated during the same turn the Fiend-Type
monsters are Special Summoned by the effect of "Puppet Master", the
Fiend-Type monsters still cannot attack that turn.

Red Ogre

Sending card(s) from your hand to the Graveyard is a cost.

"Red Ogre's" effect targets card(s) on the field.

Time Machine

"Time Machine" is activated at the end of the Damage Step, when
monsters destroyed by battle are sent to the Graveyard.

"Time Machine's" effect does not target.

If a face-down Defense Position monster is attacked and is destroyed
by battle, when it is Special Summoned by "Time Machine" it is Special
Summoned in face-up Defense Position.
If a monster is Special Summoned onto your side of the field with
"Time Machine" during your Battle Phase, it may attack again during
that Battle Phase.

If you activate "Time Machine" when your monster that is being
controlled by your opponent is destroyed by battle and sent to the
Graveyard, when "Time Machine" resolves your monster is Special
Summoned onto your opponent's side of the field. If your opponent had
taken control of the monster with "Brain Control", etc., it will
remain under your opponent's control and will not return to your side
of the field in the End Phase.

If you destroy your opponent's monster by battle, when it is sent to
the Graveyard you can activate "Time Machine". If you do, the monster
is Special Summoned onto your opponent's side of the field.

If a monster that cannot be Special Summoned from the Graveyard is
destroyed by battle and sent to the Graveyard, "Time Machine" cannot
be activated.

Any Equip Cards that were equipped to the monster when it was
destroyed by battle and sent to the Graveyard are not requipped to the
monster when it is Special Summoned.

If a Toon Monster like "Toon Mermaid", "Toon Summoned Skull",
"Blue-Eyes Toon Dragon", or "Manga Ryu-Ran" is destroyed by battle and
set to the Graveyard while "Toon World" is not face-up on the field,
"Time Machine" cannot be activated.

If a monster with an effect that activates when it is destroyed by
battle is sent to the Graveyard, like "Sangan" or "Giant Rat", you can
chain "Time Machine".

If two monsters with equal ATK are both destroyed by the same battle,
"Time Machine" cannot be activated.

If "Embodiment of Apophis" is destroyed by battle and sent to the
Graveyard, "Time Machine" cannot be activated because "Embodiment of
Apophis" is not a monster while in the Graveyard.

Cards like "Torrential Tribute" cannot be activated when a monster is
Special Summoned by "Time Machine", because cards like "Torrential
Tribute" cannot be activated in the Damage Step.

When your "Makyura the Destructor" is destroyed by battle and sent to
the Graveyard, you can activate "Time Machine" from your hand.

If a Fusion Monster that was Special Summoned from the Extra Deck by
"Metamorphosis" is destroyed by battle and sent to the Graveyard,
"Time Machine" cannot be activated because the Fusion Monster was not
properly Special Summoned and cannot be Special Summoned from the

If your "Sealmaster Meisei" is destroyed by battle and sent to the
Graveyard while you control "Talisman of Trap Sealing", you can
activate "Time Machine" because "Talisman of Trap Sealing" is
destroyed when "Sealmaster Mesei" is removed from the field.

If "Jinzo" is destroyed by battle and sent to the Graveyard, you can
activate "Time Machine".

Virus Cannon

Tributing monster(s) is a cost.

If you target your opponent's monster with "Soul Exchange", it can be
Tribute to activate "Virus Cannon".

If the number of Spell Cards remaining in your opponent's Deck is less
than the number of monsters you Tributed to activate "Virus Cannon",
every Spell Card remaining in your opponent's Deck is sent to the
Graveyard and your opponent must show you their Deck to verify.

You cannot Tribute a face-up "Jinzo" to activate "Virus Cannon"
because "Jinzo's" effect prevents Trap Cards from being activated.

Non-Monster Cards Special Summoned by the effect of "Magical Hats" can
be Tributed to activate "Virus Cannon".

Curtis Schultz
UDE Netrep

"Dragon's Duel"
Foro Oficial de Eventos Premier en México

Sitio de respaldo cuando falle el foro principal

- Ayudanos a fomentar el juego y reenvia este mail a mas personas, asi
como invitamos a los que no reciben estos mails de forma directa a
enviar un mail a solicitando recibir
estos mails.

lunes, 1 de diciembre de 2008

Tournament Policy Update

Hi everyone,

I've uploaded a new Tournament Policy file to the files section of
these forums. Changes in the policy include:

- Updating terminology from Upper Deck Entertainment (UDE) to Upper
Deck (UD) wherever possible.

- Adding a new Conduct Unbecoming section that explains what happens
when players break Tournament Policy and/or get DQed at a tournament.

- Changed the notes policy from "can't carry over notes from game to
game" to "can't carry over notes from match to match"

- Consolidated customer service mailboxes.

Alex Charsky
Judge Manager
Upper Deck

"Dragon's Duel"
Foro Oficial de Eventos Premier en México

Sitio de respaldo cuando falle el foro principal

- Ayudanos a fomentar el juego y reenvia este mail a mas personas, asi
como invitamos a los que no reciben estos mails de forma directa a
enviar un mail a solicitando recibir
estos mails.

Sede Lindavista

Sedes del Centro: